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Card Payments

We issue a complete BSB range within our core banking service that provides a fully featured accounts for your customers, complete with integration to the VISA payment network. A bilateral microservice integration with our platform is provided, along with an option for painless integration with other core platforms if required. 

Through the VISA payment schemes, we provide BIN Sponsorship, PAN generation, card issuing, fulfillment and management, with minimal PCI requirements on your customers due to the granular microservice architecture that supports direct integrations. 
Our full core banking service: 
  • We offer both Payment Authorisation and Balance Management.

  • A unique BSB number together with the generation and allocation of customer account numbers.

  • We can service transactional accounts via either pre-paid or debit cards with supporting functionality such as:

    • Account setup

    • Limits

    • Authorisation holds

    • Payment orders

    • Creating sub accounts, and

    • Payment gateway interfaces.

  • We also provide Payment and Settlement Security Deeds for Scheme and Non-scheme transactions. This is based on your instructions for how we manage settlement and handling of your customer’s money.

Card Payments Solution - Shaype
Scheme payment network features:
  • Issuing of pre-paid and debit cards.

  • Physical, digital and in-app card options.

  • VISA BIN sponsorship with the creation of a unique BIN or access to the Shaype BIN as part of our sandbox environment.

  • Integration with VISA network, facilitating card transactions and balance management across the entire network for prompt processing time.

  • Card controls which give your customers ability to manage and view a card’s PIN, restrict usage and set card limits.

  • Transaction data enrichment (Australia Only) that ensures you present clean data with merchant name, logo, and spending category.

  • Worldwide ATM access with ability for your physical card customers to withdraw funds in AUD, or foreign currencies, internationally.

  • 3D Secure deployment on card-not-present (CNP) transactions through additional authentication when transacting at an online merchant, as well as a biometric solution in development.

  • Card fulfilment including access and full integration with your card manufacturer of choice to provide printing and delivery of cards for your customers, with capacity to fulfill and dispatch orders within 1-2 business days.

  • Ability to set up and manage disputed transactions and associated chargebacks.

Let's talk and help you find your Shaype

Our solutions experts are here to help you navigate the world of embedded finance and deliver unique financial experiences faster, smarter and with more confidence.

They can answer all your related queries such as

  • The right products and solutions for your needs

  • Implementation and delivery planning

  • Pricing information

Fill out the form and they will be in touch as soon as possible!

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